Lottie animations can elevate your Android app’s user experience with captivating visuals. To implement them, simply add the Lottie library to your project, import your animation JSON file, and use the LottieAnimationView to display stunning, scalable animations effortlessly.
SQLite is a lightweight, disk-based database that doesn’t require a separate server process, making it perfect for small applications. To get started, download SQLite, create a database file, and use SQL commands to insert, query, and manage your data seamlessly.
Tracking user location in Android involves leveraging the powerful Google Play Services Location API. By requesting location permissions, developers can access real-time GPS data, enabling enhanced features like personalized recommendations and optimized navigation.
Android is an open-source operating system designed primarily for mobile devices such as smartphones and tablets. It was developed by…
Slide transition between screens is common in Android applications. We can use the navigation components or a swipe-able view…
Android studio XML, Kotlin payment app ui with complete source code for free by Vishal Swami. Ideal for payment…